Sunday, October 23, 2011

Back On Track Again With A Weekend Detox

Day 1

On Waking
One cup of warm lemon or lime water (we use a delicious Italian organic variety in a bottle)
One cup of flax seed broth
(Boil water and pour over 2 tbsp. of flax seeds the night before your detox)

Why? These drinks clear out your bowels and digestive system. Be prepared you may need to run to the washroom.

Take a 2o minute brisk walk. (You can have your kids or pets along on this one)

Why? To get your metabolism fires burning. Just like a car on a cold winters morning, you need to get yourself going.

Large Fruit Salad Berry Compote

1/2 small tub of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries Why? Berries are good for your liver. Nourishing the liver is key for detoxification.
Large Fruit Salad Berry Compote

1 cup of Nettle tea

Why? Nettle tea is an astringent, expectorant, anti-inflammatory tonic and diuretic. To find more out about this tea check out this link.

Fruit Juice

1/2 a pineapple or more passed through a juicer
If you don’t have a juicer you can buy juice but make sure it is pure pineapple juice. Brandon uses a Vitamix, the same kind the juicing bars use, it's powerful and with a little added water it will give you a pulpy juice.

Take a 2o minute brisk walk.

Warm Detox Broth

Warm Detox Broth

6 carrots
2 large white potatoes
4 radishes
2 turnips
1 cup parsley
4 celery stocks
1 clove garlic

Add 2.5 litres of water and let simmer for 2 hours. Try and use organic ingredients if you can. Only drink the broth. You will need some for dinner on Day 1 and  2.

Why? The broth is easy for digestion.

Detox Sprout Salad

100 g of organic mung bean sprouts
40g celery finely sliced
40g of cabbage, shredded
Squeeze of lemon juice
herbs to season

Detox Sprout Salad

Vegetable Juice

6 carrots
1 cucumber
2 celery stalks
1/4 onion

We blend this in our Vitamix and add ice.

1 cup of Nettle tea
Detox Broth
(see lunch) with Raw Paté with Sprouts 

Serves 2

2 tbsp of torn fresh basil
6 tbsp roughly chopped sprouts
200g whole almonds, soaked
1 tbsp. chopped coriander
75g pine nuts
2 tbsp of lemon juice
1 garlic clove

1. Place ingredients in food processor and blend until smooth.
2. Roll around into balls, then pat them down into sprouts outside.


Before Bed 
soak flaxseeds in hot water overnight

1 cup of warm water with lemon

Day 2

On Waking
One cup of warm lemon or lime water
One cup of flax seed broth
Warm Lemon Water

Take a 2o minute brisk walk.


1 cup of Nettle Tea
Fruit Smoothie
2 peaches
2 plums
2 pears
1 scoop protein powder
with water mixed in our Vitamix
Juicy Detox Smoothie


Juicy Detox Smoothie
6 carrots
1 celery
1 ripe avocado
1 apple
squeeze of lemon or lime
8 basil leaves

All placed in the Vita Mix and it will do the rest.

Detox Broth with Detox Sprout Salad (see Day 1)
We prefer to change this soup and salad up and make it different because we are used to a lot of variety in our meals and food.

Before Bed
Drink a cup of warm water with lemon and enjoy the benefits of the weekend.

This detox is based on one we have been doing for years by an British woman, Gillian McKeith. We are very pleased with the results we get when using her detox and clean eating program. 

Detox Results
I am feel free of aches and pains, no lies. My mind is clear and as free as the big blue sky. Best of all my energy levels gradually improved throughout the weekend. I am all ready to conquer a good week of training and start to see some awesome results. Most of all I look forward to a great sleep tonight and some solid food tomorrow. We are having oatmeal in the morning, oh how I will enjoy that first meal of the day. 

Can I hear a Yee-haw? I know I have inspired two of my girlfriends to detox, I hope I inspire you too. Please share your experiences, I love hearing other peoples stories.

Until next time "Be Strong",

Miss Jane

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Twinkle Toes

Today I went for an Active Recovery workout by the Credit River with my handsome Brandon and big boy puppy Declan. As we were walking I realized that my training shoes needed to be replaced. My shoes no longer supported my feet properly and I was unable to walk without pronating in my trainers.

I the past year and a half I developed a very painful and uncomfortable condition known as Plantar Fasciitis. It is a foot condition which makes daily life very painful when you are on feet most of the day as a Kindergarten Teacher. The tissues on the bottom of the feet are stretched and pulled. As a result the heel feels sharp shard like pains when you stand on your feet and walk around, much like nails being driven up your heel as you step down. It is particularly difficult in the morning when first walking on your feet. Your feet don't stretch or move properly as a result.

see Pronation diagram

I made an appointment with my local Podiatrist Jessica who assessed my feet and made me orthotics to correct my pronation on a negative angle. After a few weeks of trying the new orthotics in my shoes, I went back and Jessica covered them for me. Look how awesome they are! I use them in shoes that don't give me proper support. At other times I wear very good footwear such as Birkenstocks, Clarks and Doc Martens. I was very pleased when Jessica informed me that my orthotics were needed to conitnue wearing my colourful collection of Converse that I love so much. It is very important that I support my feet at all times to lesson discomfort in my feet. When I am at home I wear a pair of Birkenstocks at all times in the house, in fact I put them on immediately when I get up from bed after doing some foot exercises.

Miss Jane's orthotics

If you are starting a training program I recommend getting yourself a new pair of shoes that support your feet well. Today I went to an Adidas Outlet store and got 2 pairs of shoes for less than the price of one. If your not into trends and having the most recent fad this is a great way to save money on footwear. Foot discomfort is not your friend, I suggest you visit your local Podiatrist and get your feet looked after if you are experiencing problems with your feet. I am so happy to have my foot problem under control so I can get back training again. Check out my new training gear. Can I hear a Yee-haw?

My new matching tanks to train in, Walmart rocks for training gear.

Treat your body well and "Be Strong",

Miss Jane

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Jane Train Derailed

What happened? The answer is life. 

My father lost his 3 year fight with prostate cancer, my dog developed a brain tumor and we had to say goodbye to him, my step father in law passed away and my step grandmother passed away all in a 2 month period of time. During the same time as my father’s death I was ill but cared for my father in the hospital during his last few days.

I have suffered from allergies my whole life. However in the past few years I have begun to suffer from food allergies. In March, the week before my father went into the hospital for the last time, my digestive system became overstressed and took a turn for the worse. At the same time I contracted a virus that gave me a bacteria in my stomach that would not leave. I never knew the stomach could bloat so much and be so uncomfortable. This derailed the Jane Train for weeks that turned into months.

The gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) has its own nervous system which when compromised causes many symptoms and ailments. Altogether these symptoms shut down your body making daily life a struggle and you become exhausted just trying to make it through a normal day of work. Unfortunately, blood tests don’t give you the answers you are looking for when you are suffering through this problem. In fact, 4 blood tests later and too many doctor’s appointments to remember, my doctor was stumped. His only option left was to send me to a Gastrointestinal specialist. I was too exhausted to go down this route at this time. 

I once again took the most natural route to solve my problem and began to work on an elimination diet and implemented supplements to support the stomach and digestion. It has led me down the path of very strict eating being mindful of many of the foods that irritate the digestive symptoms such as wheat, corn, soy, dairy. This is not new for me but this time I know exactly what I need to do, why I need to do it and what I will gain from this over the next few months.

I have been suffering from tension headaches for a few weeks and have just come through a few days of bad headaches. I believe it was the last few toxins leaving my body. In the past I have used acupuncture and massage to assist in ridding myself from toxins, this time I tried to manage it on my own.

What you learn from these experiences in life is to accept “limitations”. Limitations mean taking out many of the things in life you enjoy because you simply can’t do them. It means you basically put life on hold until you can get yourself back to the point where you can start it up again.

I have finally after 7 months got to the point where I can start it up again. My body has been under a great deal of stress over these past months as this is one of the ways the GI tract reacts to bacteria and sensitivities the digestive system. Stress is dreadful for the body.

Over the next few months I will share with you some of the things I am doing to get myself back on the Jane Train. I will have to make some new goals as I won’t have the right amount of time to train before the new year. What I will need to put in these next few months is hardcore training and clean eating to start to see the results I am looking for. The commitment, determination and focus needed to accomplish these results will put all those limitations well behind me.

I have begun a 6 day a week training routine, 4 days of strength training with a fat burning focus, 2 days of cardio training. With an extremely clean eating meal plan this will begin to develop into some results I will be happy to see. Tomorrows workout is hill sprints with cardio focus at the toboggan hill. We have some good fall weather to keep me feeling refreshed during my workout. I am glad to have my training buddy with me the famous Brandon Steen. He is in charge of our eating plan and makes all our meals and snacks for us. This weekend is a detox, just to get rid of those last few nasty toxins. Thankfully Brandon will take care of our detox weekend meals.

Look for some of my training routines, clean eating recipes and lots of good inspiration to come in the next few weeks.